It has been 20 years since that first little bundle of pink entered our world...
..and it feels like we've been living in a Legally Blonde movie ever since! Heh, heh, ha.
So thankful for this young woman! What a blessing she is. Fun and funny, there's never a dull moment when she's around. She has courageously faced trials in the past few years, and keeps clinging to Jesus and growing stronger in her faith and in who she is in Him. It's a joy to watch God working in her life and see her respond!
She recommends this book. ("Seriously the best thing that ever happened to me.")
So do I. I bought it for her, and the book in the background, Words, too. (I know, I need to post some book reviews.) I am so glad it is speaking to her.
So thankful that she can be home, with her family, on her birthday, on Thanksgiving!
At her pointed and specific request, we shall celebrate her Thanksgiving birthday with a very special ice cream cake.
Not so appetizing, is it? But its innards are chocolate chip, and those drumsticks are sugar cones, y'all. It'll taste better than it looks, I am certain.
So thankful to God today--for family, for friends old and new, near and far, for the blessings of life, health, abundance, comfort and joy!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Happy Birthday to Kirsten! And Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I am quite sure that turkey cake will be amazing. The book? It has been at my side for the last 2 years and it speaks to me every single day. Absolutely wonderful.