Blogs I Visit

Well, friends, when Bloglines passed away, my life was so crazy that I didn't even notice for a few months.  So I lost my old blogroll.

It's taking me forever to re-create it, so I just have to hit Publish and go from there.  Please view this as a work-in-progress! I'm still adding my old friends and acquaintances as I recall them.


An Undercurrent of Hostility (Ann)
A Ten O'Clock Scholar (Kerry)
Homemaking Through the Church Year (Jessica)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Dan)
What Sweeter Music (Abbi)
Devotions from Daily Life (Lisa)
Cafe au Mommy (Heather)
Professor Paint (Nathan)
Splendor in the Ordinary (Amy S.)
On a Joyful Journey (Amy D.)
Just a Phase I'm Going Through (Moyra)
The Chronicles of the Anderas Adventures (Lisa & Phil)
Janice Skivington
Beth's Notes
The Road to Madison (Kurt & Taryn)
Our Little Junebug (Taryn)
Life On Purpose (Jennifer in IL)

Bad Vestments

Old Friends:

A Circle of Quiet (Diane)
A Holy Experience (Ann)
Study in Brown (Tonia)
A Sparrow's Home (Kathie)
Rocking Chair Reflections (Linds)
Quiet Life (Donna)
Semicolon (Sherry)

Experiencing Imagination (Amy)
Learning As We Go (Annie)
Song of the First Born Daughter (Winona)
Home is Where You Start From (Jen in CA)
Miss Erin
A Piece of Life (Debbie in Hungary)


The Pioneer Woman
Simple Mom
Like Mother, Like Daughter
The Diary of a Sower
In the Heart of My Home (Elizabeth Foss)
I Take Joy (Sally Clarkson)
Conversion Diary (Jennifer)
Donna Booshay's Recipes
Mental Multivitamin
The DeZwaan Chronicles