Monday, January 29, 2007

Thanks for Your Prayers

Thanks to all who prayed for us as we made our announcement yesterday. We had only 5-7 minutes to sketch out our unusual ideas and invite folks to come to a meeting to learn more, but the feedback we got was that our announcement, though short, was strong and compelling, and complete enough that people understood it. We really sensed God guiding our words.

And it was well-received. Many people told us afterward how eager they are to come to the meeting we'll hold next! So now, we have a lot to do in the next few weeks to get ready for that meeting. (We'd love to have a lot more information about what the property is likely to cost us, both to buy and to make necessary repairs--a big item for prayer, if the Lord brings it to mind.)

By the way, all my posts so far about our vision and the property we're considering can be found under the label "a new thing" in my sidebar.

1 comment:

tangle said...

Didn't doubt it would. :)