Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Vigil Tonight!

The most exciting service of our whole church year is tonight! I wish every one of you could attend with us.

If you're interested in a virtual visit, here are just a few photos from last year, in the order in which they occurred. As you'll see, the service builds to an incredible peak of celebration and joy!

Creation Reading
Crossing of the Red Sea
The Great Alleluia aka The Holy Noise
The Holy Noise 2
The Holy Woo-hoo!

And here is the post I wrote last year that briefly, poetically, summarizes all of our Holy Week services--"a feast for the senses."

From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, our kids will happily spend around 13 hours in church this week. I love to quote Blondechick, who said last year, "I'm so glad it's Holy Week; it has all my favorite services!"


Amy said...

I have great hopes that you will post new pictures from this year, or at least some stories (please please PLEASE). Some of us had to stay home so as not to spread the respiratory virus, nor cause undue stress on our little viral host. :(

At A Hen's Pace said...


If Ray provides, so will I!
