Sunday, January 20, 2008

Joint Service

Today at church, we had the great pleasure of being joined by the members of the All Saints Anglican Church, a Nigerian congregation from Milwaukee. They are a young church, too; they started meeting just a few months after we did.

We were all inspired by Rev. William Beasley's powerful message on being churches led by God to do the work of God, in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. He shared some amazing statistics--how the number of unchurched Americans has been on the rise for the past few decades; how many, many more churches are closing their doors forever compared to the number of new churches being started; and how the great majority of new believers are converted in churches that are only a few years old. It makes being part of a church plant pretty darn exciting! Even our kids were on the edge of their seats as he talked about what an adventure it is to follow Christ.

We were encouraged also by the return of a couple of visitors from last week, brothers in their twenties.

We hosted a luncheon afterward, which was a great chance to get to know them and our Nigerian brothers and sisters. The kids easily made friends and we all had a great time together.

Next time, they say, we will come to their service; they will host us and we will taste some real Nigerian cooking!

Reverend Doctor Canon Chris and his wife Pauline; Father Rooster and myself; Rev. William Beasley and his wife (Deacon) Anne


Bronwen said...

Maybe the reasons the churches are closing is because they have lost that passion and enthusiasm... and more importantly forgotten that church is God driven.... not led by pccs and bureaucracy...
Keep our children firm in the Lord and they will catch that infectious enthusiasm and be overwhelmed by His love... That HAS to be the church of tomorrow.

TheNormalMiddle said...

what a lovely bunch you are in the photo!!! :)