The kids are all about the rides...

...but Mom loves the animal barns!

Let sleeping pigs lie, I always say.

Had to post a picture of Chicklet with the baby chicks. We couldn't tear her away!

Here we are watching a sheep being sheared. This was no demonstration--just a couple 4-H dads trying to get the job done, while the sheep baaaaed incessantly, blabbing a black tongue out each time. (That's what we're all watching!)

There are tractors all over the fair--for sale, or for display, like this old Farmall that was restored as a 4-H project. It is understood that any tractor at the fair is fair game for kids to climb on!

This water fountain has been a fixture since my dad can remember. There used to be a huge old tree shading it, and I can remember stopping here with my grandparents to get a drink and cool off in the shade (after playing on a half dozen hot tractor seats, probably). They rested on benches nearby and let my brothers and I play in the water fountain...just like my brothers and I let our kids (those are four of my nieces with Chicklet5 and Bantam3).

My dad with Chicklet5.

Third- and fourth-generation fairgoers, heading home.
I like the photos, looks like they are having fun. The last time I was at a Fair was in 1980, we saw Rich Little the comedian perform. I forgot to mention I like the photos of your children.
Wonderful photos, Jeanne - can we just discuss the fact that you have had 6 children and look like a teenager???????? I am turning a highly unattractive shade of green as I speak!
You know what I love best - the complete joy on all your faces! Lovely!
This reminds me of our Island-wide fair - called "Old Home Week". When I was a child, it was the highlight of my year - second only to Christmas.
I attended the annual fair in Fairbanks this week and was delighted to see in your pictures how universal the American Summer Fair is, even if they are separated by miles and miles. Everyone looks so radiant!
I've continued to lurk here, terrible about commenting (thanks for yours!) but it is so wonderful to keep up with you all as you start this new chapter! I can't believe how things have cemented since all this was just a 'what if ... and where?' when I first started getting to know you. And I cannot believe how chicklet is growing!
such fun! one of the best joys of summer, right there.
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