Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thanks--I Needed That!

This morning I took Bantam17 to an appointment, and afterward, we stopped in at Blondechick15's new school to drop off some paperwork.

I introduced myself and Bantam17 to one of her teachers who had been pointed out to me, and he told me he had been at the huge high school before. ("This is a much better place," he confided. "Your daughter will love it here.") I told him that's where B17 is going, and I mentioned that he'll be in the special education department.

"Oh, that's great--that's better," he told me. "They have a wonderful department. He'll be in good hands there. Who is his case manager?"

I couldn't think of the teacher's name at first.

"Well, they have some really great folks there. This one guy..." and then he said the name of B17's case manager.

"That's it!" I interrupted. "That's his case manager!"

"Oh, you are so lucky!" he told B17. "I was just going to tell you about him.... He's just the best. You're gonna love him."

Then he added, to me, "In fact, he's so good, we tried to get him to come here. But he's pretty entrenched there. Oh, you'll be so pleased."

And with that little exchange, I felt a weight lift from me. I have felt so excited, so peaceful, so good about Blondechick's new school. But I have been feeling doubtful, resigned, yet anxious, about Bantam17's placement at the big school, just praying and hoping that he'll be all right.

This encouraging word was like a refreshing shower, washing away the uncertainty and doubt. I felt, in that down-deep way that you know God is working, that He was telling me not to worry, that He's looking out for B17 too.

Thank you, Lord.


Linds said...

What wonderful news, Jeanne! It is all as He planned. Brilliant! You must have danced out of the building!

Islandsparrow said...

I'm so glad to hear that - and giving thanks with you!