It was Halloween, so the museum was filled with treats, like candy if you asked a question of any "scientist" and a demonstration of pressure, force and area involving a volunteer and a bed of nails. We saw another demonstration of elasticity/inelasticity in which several pumpkins were dropped from a balcony--a smashing good time (yuk yuk)--and instead of the normal coal mine tour, it was a Haunted Coal Mine ride! Chicklet6 and Bantam3 are still talking about it--it was a delightfully scary first for them.
On Saturday, Blondechick15 and I attended a half-day conference for mothers and daughters called Redefining Vogue. The speaker was Jill Savage, who founded the ministry Hearts At Home, which puts on national conferences for mothers. BC, who was attending reluctantly, was impressed by Jill's ability to catch and keep the attention of tired teenage girls; I was delighted to hear her say so many of the things we've been trying to get through to BC! She talked about not just exterior modesty, but interior modesty of character, purity, and commitment to Christ. She talked about sex as a gift that we wait to unwrap till the right time, like a Christmas present; but she also stressed the gift of singleness, when one has more time for learning, traveling and exploring interests and passions than one normally has after marriage and children. BC really appreciated these messages, and told me it made her think more about college. (Good news, since last we heard, she was appalled at the thought of four extra years of school!)
Then we had more overnight guests in the new guest suite--Papa Rooster's parents drove up from Illinois for the night and joined us at church on Sunday. We had three baptisms, all children from one family, and it was a delight to have their extended family with us.

The children's great-grandparents came, and they enjoyed it so much they said they'd make the drive from Racine once a month to join us! It turns out that Great-Grandpa co-taught seminary classes with one of Father Rooster's heroes, Fr. Alexander Schmemann, whom he quoted and described in his sermon as an example of a modern-day saint. (Great-Grandpa agreed--and loved PR's sermon.) It was a truly special service.
(Here is a post about it by a fellow blogger and congregant at Light of Christ, who often leads us vocally in worship!)
Then Papa Rooster's parents took us, along with PR's brother and his wife (who have been making the long drive from Chicago to join us fairly frequently at church), out for a leisurely lunch without children (all at our house). Later that afternoon, friends from our old hamlet, who happened to be in Wisconsin for the day, came over and we had a fabulous time re-connecting and sharing how God is working in our lives. We were in a prayer group together with them for many years, and we've missed them so much.
And that's the weekend report! Jaaaaammmm-packed with good things. Thank you, Lord!
How wonderful! It sounds like such fun. I bet everyone had fun at the museum. It's one of my favorites! Did anyone dress up for Halloween?
Trick-or-treating here is always the Sunday afternoon before 10/31--so that was last weekend! I meant to post a picture closer to the actual date, but things got so busy, I forgot about it.
Yes, our youngest three dressed up and went around with a neighbor, which was nice, since my parents were here. My older daughter dressed up on Wed. for a spirit day at her school, too. Forgot to get her picture tho! She borrowed fairy wings from the same neighbor. :)
Fairy wings - we had those too :)
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I would like to attend a mother/daughter conference like that too. It sounds really good.
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