Summer and I were just happy to leave the kids with the dads and the grandparents (thanks Mom, Dad, Papa Rooster and Pilot Brother!) and enjoy dinner with Megan, our second time to connect with her. Last time, none of us remembered a camera, but this time, we made sure we took a picture--by the Christmas carousel, of course.

A lot happened in all our lives since the last time we got together, and it was neat to share how God has worked--even in ways we had thought impossible at our last meeting! Megan never thought she'd have a second child...Summer hadn't even dreamt of starting the Pilot Wives Club...(oh, I haven't told y'all about the Pilot Wives Club!)...and we didn't know if we'd ever be able to sell our house and move to Wisconsin. But God had all these things in store, and we couldn't have guessed the details of any of them! But now, how wonderful to be able to share them with one another. It was a great time.
Now, let me tell you quick about Pilot Wives' Club! I was excited to hear about it because I used to have a good friend whose husband was a pilot, and she'd try to explain to me the frustrations of his schedule. She was in single parent survival mode while he was gone for days on end, with routines that worked for her and the kids, and then suddenly he'd be home for a week and have ideas and plans that she had to accomodate--and then he'd be gone again. It's a unique set of difficulties that puts a lot of strain on a marriage.
So Summer started the Pilot Wives' Club to be a support to these women. This site is a source of encouragement only--no bashing of husbands (or airlines) allowed. After two weeks of being a member, one woman wrote to thank Summer for starting the club, telling her that just finding out she was not alone, that other pilot wives had the same struggles, had helped normalize things so much for her. In fact, she said her marriage was the happiest it had ever been, just since she had joined!
So if you know of anyone married to a pilot, point them toward this site!
Now, a little advertising for Megan too...;) She has just started a series of posts with writing tips for bloggers, but I can tell they're going to be good for anyone wanting to improve their writing! Megan is SUCH a fun writer to read--I am looking forward to honing my style by thinking through her well-chosen words.
You go, girls!
Me, these days I am all about the new chapter of our children's theater group. Next Monday, the Chicago area executive director is coming to Kenosha and we are going to go to two middle schools, a high school, and maybe a private school to look at theater space for our first two productions next year! I am praying that one of these auditoriums will not only work with us, but welcome us. We'll see what God will do!
How wonderful you got to meet the girls! I love reading Megan's blog too.
I wish there had been something like the Pilot's Wives Club when I was younger - for women married to men at sea. Same sort of problems, only they were gone for 3-9 months at a time and home for 6wks to 3 months leave at others. Not easy. No internet back then either!
It WAS a wonderful visit! I'm so glad we got to do that - it was totally rejuvenating for me. Thanks for the plug about my series, too, lovey! Hope y'all are having a great week somewhat back to normalcy.
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