Papa Rooster takes some pretty amazing pictures--and lots of them--more than I can keep up with--and he's gotten pretty good at posting the best on Facebook for our friends and family. And I only just realized that I can grab a photo from his Facebook album, stick it on my desktop, and upload it to my blog--all by myself! Without needing him to convert it from a RAW image in Lightroom to a .JPG which he must upload for me, because Lightroom doesn't like me. (A feeling which is mutual.) He says the image quality won't be as good. But I think only the techie photographer types will be able to tell, and the rest of us, we'll have pictures! Yeah, baby.
Okay, let's commence with the pics!
I believe I mentioned homecoming? Here is Bantam15 with his lovely date.
The dress was casual--can you tell?
Here's Blondechick with her special friend, the same one she went to the spring formal with. He graduated last year, but he's still around, living at home and taking classes at a local college. We like him a lot. So does she!

And here she is with 17 other friends, in our back yard--all senior girls. I posted this partly just to show off the background! It's the view I am blessed with every day, and I am thankful for it.
I know I mentioned an ordination.
This is part of a wonderful family that we've loved for a long time now; Father R--'s wife there is one of my dearest friends. When I met her, she was pregnant with the daughter on the far left...and I delivered Blondechick17 just three months later. Those girls have grown up together, just as the other daughter (second from left) is one of Bantam15's closest friends. Those two girls are their youngest children; their middle child, another daughter, is getting married next summer and Papa Rooster will be performing the ceremony. That is their oldest son, with his wife and child, on the right, and their second-oldest is also a son. They have always been the kind of friends we can completely let our hair down with. We have spent countless hours laughing, crying and praying together.
Here are all the clergy who attended. Most of these men are also friends from waaay back. We are a little grayer, a little more wrinkled than when we first enthusiastically began doing ministry together in our twenties and thirties! But these men, representing five Anglican churches, are still enthused and energetically full of the joy of the Lord.
I think I mentioned soccer?
That's my boy, #23, on the JV team of the Christian school he attends.
And here's Bantam11 on the area soccer league team.
He hasn't been playing as long as most of the other kids who have grown up in the league, but he's learning fast, and he can run! Always a plus.
I am totally saving the best action shots of Bantam5 for another post.
But aren't these too unbelievably cute? Just like the big boys.
But with cool sunglasses.
1 comment:
Those photos were completely worth the visit-- thanks for sharing! Congrats for Father R! Thank God for such godly servants!
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