Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy Eleven Years of Blogging to Me

After an extremely eventful 2016, it's nice to have nothing going on, really, on New Year's Eve!

It was on a very similar NYE eleven years ago that I decided a new year was a good time to start a new project, and I wrote my first blog post. Without going back and looking, I'm pretty sure it was a short review of the movie we'd watched the night before, Cheaper By the Dozen.

Yesterday, I had reason to go searching back through my blog's archive for significant dates in the life of our church. We are about to celebrate our 10-year anniversary in mid-January, and our communications staff person is putting together a list of milestones in our church history.

As I scrolled through old posts, I was amazed at how much I captured and how much I used to write! So many details were recorded here, including things I had completely forgotten.

I am so thankful to have it, and I wish I'd been able to keep it up better in recent years. I used to stay up after the kids were in bed, especially when Papa Rooster was traveling; these days I just don't get the second wind I used to get, the kids are all still up, and PR deserves more of my attention than he usually gets in the evenings. I just can't add blogging at night to the mix anymore. The days are over-full, and I've never been a morning person.

Still I keep hoping to make more time for it! So I don't let it go completely. Maybe in 2017....

Feel free to wish me a Happy Blog-iversary in the comments. And Happy New Year to all my readers!


Moyra said...

A somewhat belated Happy Blogaversary and Happy New Year! (Couldn't miss my annual comment.)

Dani said...

Happy Belated Blogaversary! I remember finding your blog all those years ago (very soon after you started blogging, I believe). Back then I was a young mom of one, no intentions of homeschool, or much idea about anything! lol Today I am a homeschooling mother of 5 and in much the same position you were in when you started blogging. And as odd as it may sound, I've always felt you and your blog were part of my early influence to get to the point I am. It is also encouraging to me to see where your family is now, so I keep stopping by from time to time to check on you. My God bless you and your family.