Friday, May 11, 2007

While I try to choose photos from the hundred or so I took at dress rehearsals for are a couple of easy choices.

A new haircut... (Blondechick14 did it! and I helped a little.)

And the first asparagus spears--yum! I planted the bed three years ago--it takes that long to get asparagus established. Just in time to move....

At least we get to enjoy it this spring. Think it'll add to the appeal of our house? Maybe for an asparagus lover....


5KidMom said...

I LOVE the haircut! Big sisters can be pretty great sometimes (said like a true big sister)!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet haircut, sweet dress, sweet sweet little girl!

3 years to grow asparagus?? I didn't know that - and I was thinking of growing it because I love fresh asparagus - but I don't know if I have the patience for that!

Hen Jen said...

sweet haircut! and I didn't know it took that long for asparagus in the garden, hubby just planted some this year..I'll have to break the news to him gently... the things you learn, being city people and all!