Tuesday, December 11, 2007


With permission, I am delighted to share this poem with you, written by the father of a homeschooling family that has recently joined the core team of our church plant. It describes his experience in joining us on one of his first Sundays.

It is beautiful and humbling to be a part of what God is doing there!

I remember entering a room
With a carpet of red;
Before me, a fireplace,
A table, a cloth.
All around me were people
Just come off the street;
There was a salesman, I think,
And a builder perhaps,
A woman wearing a coat,
And a man with blue jeans.
One guitar could be heard,
And some words were said,
Which must have been prayers.
And as a song filled the air,
I discovered this room
Was actually a throne room--
These people were actually attending a King.
Their music now echoed off celestial walls,
And the people around me,
I could suddenly see,
Were actually nobles--
I could see in their bearing
Their dignity and grace.
And as I looked up before me
Where once stood a man
There now stood a priest
With an outstretched hand
He offered me bread
By now I could see
Things were not what they seemed
This bread was actually
The body of the King!
The glorious and infinite and transcendent Man
Had offered Himself for me, for me!
I accepted the gift with tears in my eyes
And as I turned, I feared
That these princes and nobles and holy ones and priests
Might perhaps disapprove
Of this commoner who weeps

May not be reproduced without permission.


Bronwen said...

Wow! Humbling indeed... Brought goose bumps to my arms.... How eloquent and so visually descriptive.... There is no doubt of God's Spirit working there!

Islandsparrow said...

Beautiful . . .