Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Still busy on the wallpaper-stripping/painting front....

But while I'm out buying the final selection of paint colors (if I can only choose between "The Big Chill" and "Clear Creek"), YOU can see pictures of Godspell taken by the professional photographer.

I know there are some good shots of Blondechick15 in a pink suit jacket at the bottom of the second page...last one on the sixth page...bottom of page 12 and top of 13...

...and on pg 21, Bantam9 is in second row, second shot...Bantam12 is in his Keystone Cops/Robbers role in the fourth row, third shot...and Blondechick15 is with her ensemble in second row up from bottom, second shot.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Oh man, our family was stripping wall paper not too long ago as well. Since we were still homeschooling at the time it was our new school curriculum.

Thanks for the pics, they are great!