Thursday, May 15, 2008

The professional photographer's Oliver pictures are up on his website!

Since I don't have time to post any of ours yet....

In the page that comes up ("Cast, Group, Individual"), our kids' groups appear in the top two rows.

If you click on the arrow to the right of "Cast, Group, Indiv," you can select "Thursday school day performance" to see pictures taken during a show. Check pages 5 & 19 for Blondechick as a Milkmaid; there a couple of our favorite Pickpockets on the lower two rows of p. 13. (They're in the background in others too.)

The photographer selected one of the ones of Blondechick on p. 19 to blow up and mount on a display in the lobby!

And don't miss the wonderful makeup jobs on our Fagan and our Bill Sykes. (Sykes looks so menacing in this show, it's hard to believe he played Jesus in Godspell!)

1 comment:

Erin said...

They look fantastic! So cool that you get a professional photographer to take pics.