Yesterday, my firstborn turned eighteen.
It was such a long crazy day that I wasn't even thinking about a birthday post till late, after the guests were gone and the homework was done and I was about to fall into bed.
(Our guests were another family from church. The dad and the oldest son, who's nine, are Star Wars/Clone Wars/Legos fans and B
It was hard to find a good picture of Bantam18--he's not one to pose. This one, taken on Christmas morning, is so him, though. He loves to read, he loves sci-fi, and he can tune out everything else when he's enjoying a good book!
Although he's 18, he's only a junior in high school. And he hasn't even started driving lessons yet. So I think I can pretend nothing has changed.
Except he has. He is more grown-up every month. More mature, more helpful, less and less likely to complain and argue when asked for assistance. I can almost imagine him living on his own--someday.
I'm glad it's not going to be for awhile.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of this son. We praise you for the challenges he has overcome, for his uniqueness and his delightful eccentricities, for his trust in You. We lift up to You his future. Go before him; prepare the way for him; direct him by Your still, small voice in his ear. We look forward to all that You have prepared for him to do, in Your kingdom and in this world. Amen.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to your 18 yr old! I like to think my kids will be mine forever, it's comforting to know they aren't itching to fly the coop!
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