So in this post, we're featuring...Bantam9!

That's him, at the end of "Unpack Your Adjectives." You know the song:
We hiked along without care.
Then we ran into a bear.
He was a hairy bear,
He was a scary bear,
We beat a hasty retreat from his lair.
And described him with adjectives...
Whoah! Boy! That was one big, ugly bear!

He gets to come downstage to the spotlight and display it (with his best "dumb" expression and posture) during this part of the song:
Days are sunny or they're rainy
Boys are dumb or else they're brainy...
And here he is as an attentive student in "The Tale of Mr. Morton."

This is the tale of Mister Morton
Mister Morton is who?
He is the subject of our tale
and the predicate tells what Mister
Morton must do
Mister Morton walked down the street
Mister Morton walked
Mister Morton talked to his cat
Mister Morton talked
(Hello, cat. You look good.)
Finally, here's Bantam9 in "The Great American Melting Pot:"

Normally, he wears a sombrero, but it's probably a better picture without it. (And tonight, we gave him a cute little black moustachio too!)
He has one other moment that didn't get documented by photo, but our guests can watch for him as Alexander Graham Bell in "Mother Necessity." He's the boy who kind of dances across stage and hands Mother N.... a telephone.
He's onstage for several other numbers, too, with the rest of the cast or the other Peanut Prodigies: "Verb," "Interjections," and "Three is a Magic Number." In some shows, the little kids don't have much to do, but in this one, they've kept him hopping!...and dancing!...and singing!
Fun, fun! Can't wait to see it on Friday.
I love Mr Morton! Break a leg, all you bantams and chicks!
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