Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Birthday!

Bantam10 becomes Bantam11... Where did the time go? Ten seemed so old! And eleven...eleven is waaaay too close to 12, and 13. At least for now we can enjoy our boy, who still likes Legos, GI Joes, Beanie Babies, puppets, Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield, The Far Side, and pretending with his younger siblings. He is a curious mix of dramatic flair, comedic ability, and unflappable good humor. Eighty percent of the time, nothing can faze him; the rest of the time, he's either normally reactive, or overly dramatic--which is exactly what he was like as a baby, interestingly enough!

We are so proud of you, son, and of the fine young man you are becoming! We love you!

"We always thank God for you and pray for you constantly."
1 Thessalonians 1:2


Amy said...

They're all getting so grown up! *sniff*

Happy Birthday, Bantam11!!

Anonymous said...

Cute picture of Bantam11...did his Birthday box arrive? Love, pianomum