Monday, September 06, 2010

Chicklet Turns Eight

Look at that Mona Lisa smile!  My baby girl appears even older and wiser than her eight years in this shot, taken by Papa Rooster at Mount Vernon.  One can almost imagine it as an oil painting, a study in shades of wheat, with the Grand Master symbolically placing her by the harvested but unthreshed wheat to indicate a maturity that is both now and not-yet.

I can't believe how old she is, how quickly she has reached this age.  It seems such a short time since she was born--a second daughter to delight us all.  She has a sweetness and a joy about her that blesses and encourages my heart every day.

Thank you, Lord, for this precious gift. Help me to be a gentle steward, a wise and loving mother, to bring to maturity the gift you have entrusted.  And at the harvest, may the glory be all Yours!


Heather said...

Wow, she has grown! I think it might be time to update your sidebar pics.
That is a lovely current picture of her.

At A Hen's Pace said...


Bingo! I have been wanting to do that for the last year! But I thought the same thing when I posted this pic--HAVE to update...


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful girl, and a beautiful picture! I think she and Eva would be good friends--they have the same sweet look about them...too bad we live so far away. Thanks for sharing.


Debbie said...

She is beautiful! And as another #2 girl in a large family, I'm sure she'll turn out great! :) Helps that she has such good parents.