Saturday, February 25, 2012

An Old Dog Teaches Herself New Tricks

I totally would have liked to write a blog post this morning...

But aren't you proud of me that I finally figured out how to change the images in my sidebar?  Well, I knew how to do that, but only after Papa Rooster cropped them for me and uploaded them.  But this morning I discovered how to get a photo into Picasa (drag it from FB to my desktop and it magically also appears in Picasa!), crop a photo in Picasa, hit File/Save A Copy--oh, it took forever to find and try that--and learn that it saves to my desktop--voila!  Where I know how to find it and upload it to my sidebar!

Everyone thinks you must be so tech-savvy if you have a blog, but I am so NOT.

(But you already knew that, if you are a regular.  How many other bloggers do you know who've had the same header for 6.5 years?  No, I thought not.)

I am inordinately proud of myself.


Anonymous said...

I like you header.

Anonymous said...

The new pictures are sweet...proud of your skills! Pianomum

At A Hen's Pace said...

Thanks, Anonymous! I like it too. It's probably time for a change, though. If I ever get inspired and brave enough...

Thanks, Mom!
